COAST TO COAST Feb 6th- 18th, 2023
The Great Southern Pilgrimage: An All-Inclusive Motorcycle Adventure
We start the tour from Ashvem Beach, Goa. Dudhsagar Falls, Dandeli Forest, Hampi and then off the beaten track into Andhra Pradeshes Majestic Gandikota Canyon. From here we go into the deep South of Tamil Nadu, stopping at the holy pilgrimage site Tirupatti and the magic of Tiruvannamalai before our Pilgrimage takes us to Auroville, the magical spiritual community with its famous Matrimandir, a gigantic golden temple resembling a golden alien spaceship.

All Inclusive means that you pay one price and get all of the following:
* double occupancy and meals on off days not included
- Your Royal Enfield ride - of course!
- petrol and maintenance for the whole ride
- deluxe accommodations* - only the best and most charming for our Zorba the Buddhas!
- all the delicious food* - breakfast, lunch & dinner
- And all rides, guided by our Zen Motorcycle facilitators & crew
- special features, yoga/meditation, a massage event
- and our very own travel photographer to capture those special moments. This time we will also bring with us our Drone. Sure to have some absolute dramatic photo's and video's!


We start our tour on from Ashvem Beach, North Goa, right between Arambol and Anjuna. What a great place to arrive, get to know your bike and check out the little back roads between those famous hippie beaches. Come early to join our Enfield riding school.

After making our way down through the little state of Goa (and stopping for a hidden away waterfall or two) we will make our way down the coastline, crossing into the state of Karnataka. But not before a break in our favorite hide-away in Dudhsagar Falls, where we stay in an Eco Resort, lounge at the natural freshwater pool and drink local Feni (a Goan speciality)

Ooooh Hampi! You can not live without at least visiting it once! We will drive through a lush nature reserve getting more and more magical until we see the first of theUNESCO world heritage temples from times before ancient. Imagine the fluorescent green of rice paddies, overshadowed by towering boulders in the strangest formations and a lush riverside speckled with ancient temple ruins. It is the birthplace of Hanuman the Monkey God and a paradise for both humans and monkeys equally!
One of the hardest parts of this tour is to leave Hampi, even though we spend a couple of nights here!

From Hampi we venture first into Andhra Pradesh, exploring along the shores of Gandikota River and the majestic canyons it washed into the mountain ranges. Along the way a dozen ancient forts and the modern and very busy pilgrimage site of Tirupati. And then we make it to magical Tiruvannamalai. Flocks of hippies have ventured here since the 60s for the abundance of temples, gurus and holy vibes emanating from mount Arunachala.

From the former Portuguese colony of Goa, off the Arabian Sea, we finish the tour at the former French colony of Pondicherry in Auroville, off the Bay of Bengal. Founded by "The Mother", inspired and named after Sri Aurobindo, Auroville is an experimental township for the spiritual advancement and unity of humankind. Come meditate with us at the Matri Mandir, brought to us from somewhere outer space.
Enfield Riding School is now open!
Don't know how to ride a motorcyle?
No worries mate! Come as a passenger and join our Ride as Meditation program.
Or, if you have the inclination, we have the way!
Join our Enfield Riding School. We have taught many, who now ride like a boss!
Class opens from Ashvem Beach, Goa.
Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.
On a motorcycle you don't just look at the scenery, you become part of it. This tour is suitable for beginner riders.

Packing & Preparations
Getting there
Visa: You will need to obtain a tourist visa for India. Depending on your country of origin, in most cases you can obtain an e-visa online.
Options are:
30 day double entry visa - $25
1 year - multiple entry, 90 day limit at a time, $40
5 year - multiple entry, 90 day limit at a time, $80
If available, we recommend a 1 year or 5 year multiple entry tourist visa . $40 to $80 respectively.
https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/ this is the ONLY official government website. please be wary of unofficial fraudulent websites.
Flights: You can fly into any of the major international indian cities, and take a connecting flight to Goa (GOI). Mumbai airport has the most Goa connections and please give yourself ample connection time in case of flight delays.
Transportation from Goa Airport to Ashwem Beach: Private taxis can be arranged from the airport directly to our beach huts at Silversand, Ashwem.
Pretour Expenses are not included in our tour package. Send us your travel schedule to Goa and if requested we can help you arrange Beach huts and cottages before the tour starts. These pre-tour expenses are not included in our tour package, but we can certainly help you prearrange accommodations and such to fit your needs and wants. Contact Crystal at crystalriverflow@gmail.com or Whatsapp him at +491773004031
What to pack?
A Rucksack (backpack) - your bag will be bungie tied to the luggage rack that is attached to your Enfield. Keep the weight under 12 kg. NO SUITCASES! it will not fit on the bike
The basics - clothes and toiletries, although you can buy almost any toiletries in India.
A summer riding jacket, riding gloves (the ones with the half fingers are best for warm weather), googles or sunglasses, bandana or small scarf to cover your mouth, sunscreen. You can also get all of these items on a shopping trip to Mapsa, Goa, if you arrive a couple of days before.
Don't worry about packing your helmet. Helmets of different variety are also available for you to buy when you get here.
Most of above items you can get in Goa including helmets, yoga mats, and basic clothes, if you don’t want to travel to India with them. Quality varies. We advise to bring own riding googles and gloves. We will arrange a shopping day in Goa together.
Anything from warm and sunny to hot, hot, hot! Light clothing, sunscreen and long pants and sleeves for sunprotection are recommended. Only late nights and early mornings on the coastline can get surprisingly chilly on the bike. Otherwise it's just sun and fun at this time of the year.
Questions and Answers
- How much motorcycle experience do I need to ride in the Great Southern Pilgrimage?
It is good to have very basic motorcycle riding experience. You need to be able to shift gears and operate the basic principals of a two wheel vehicle, but this tour is recommended for all.
Make sure to come a few days early to get familiar with your Enfield, especially if you don't have much riding experience.
- If I don't ride a motorcycle can I come on tour as a passenger?
Yes! Its an EIP feature, and traveling India on the backseat of a Enfield is the only way to fly. We encourage our Pillions, pillows, and hitchriders and have a special price for your participation. Contact Crystal.
- What are the Extras on the Great Southern Pilgrimage Tour?
All of our deluxe accommodations are on a double occupancy basis. You may upgrade to a single occupancy and have your own room throughout the tour (based on availability). Please inquire about pricing.
You may also upgrade to a 500cc engine (the standard Royal Enfields come with 350cc engines), for just 100 euros extra. Limited offer based on availability and priority going to riders with pillions.
- I have more questions about the tour
Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.
Use our contact form on this site
Or hit our facebook site
Or on Crystals personal page
Or drop him an Email:
- What is not included on the tour?
Hotel, food transportation and all expenses before and after the tour dates are not included.